Saturday, October 31, 2015

Review: Season’s Meetings

Season’s Meetings Season’s Meetings by Amy Dunne
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Great first read by this author! I loved getting to know the characters and the adventure. The main character had her quirks, but lovable and you rout for her.
I love the scenic descriptions. I have been to the UK and was still learning more about the area. I now want a Cairn Terrier! I look forward to more by this author.

View all my reviews

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Review: Tail Gait: Rita Mae Brown

I have been a fan of this author for some time. I have also been a little disappointed with recent works due to lecturing by the author in the novel...till now.

Rita Mae Brown came through with a winner. Not only do we get a great mystery, learn more of the characters (Pastor and Susan), but learn of our own nations history. So much did the historical aspects tough me that I immediately, upon finishing the book, went online to search out, Camp Security. I then continued to share this information with my daughter. She endured my enthusiasm.

Thank you to the author to not only providing a good read but well accepted lesson in history.

-Were Corgi's really here in the late 1700's?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Lesbian Connection magazine!

Hello from Margy at Lesbian Connection magazine! 

I’m trying to get the word out to lesbians everywhere about our FREE magazine. 
In case you haven’t heard of LC before, or if you just lost touch with us, here’s some info:

Lesbian Connection is the free worldwide forum of news, ideas and information for, by
and about lesbians.  We’ve been publishing since 1974, and we mail issues out every other
month in plain brown envelopes (the word “lesbian” doesn’t appear anywhere on the outside).

This magazine is a grassroots forum, which means it’s truly written by our readers.  On its
pages you’ll find info for lesbians on places to live and where to travel, lesbian B&Bs and guesthouses, websites, cruises, festivals, conferences, lesbian land and retirement communities, products (books, CDs, DVDs, etc.), campgrounds and retreats, lesbian lawyers and realtors,
as well as the comic strip “Dykes to Watch Out For” and much more.  There are also reviews, articles, letters and topics dealing with whatever issues LC’s readers are talking about, from health issues and politics to relationships and pets. 

So, if you’re a lesbian and you’d like to start receiving LC, all you need to do is email us ( your full name and complete (snail mail) mailing address and we’ll be
happy to add you to our list.  (By the way, our mailing list is totally confidential; we will never
sell, loan or share it with anyone else.)  We’d also like to know where you heard about us. 
In case you’re wondering, LC survives on the donations we receive from our readers.  However, contributions are voluntary and subscriptions really are free to all lesbians.  Our goal is, quite
simply, to connect the lesbian community worldwide. 
(F.Y.I.: Our official name and address is Elsie Publishing Institute (EPI), PO Box 811, East
Lansing, MI 48826, ph 517-371-5257, fax 517-371-5200,  EPI is a U.S.
tax-deductible 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity.) 

We hope to hear from you soon, and feel free to forward this email on to your lesbian friends
and list-serves!

For Lesbian Connection,

P.S. If we hear from you by the end of the month we should be able to get you into our next

P.P.S. If you’d like to donate online you can simply click here: Donate Now.  Or you can mail
us a check anytime (payable to Elsie Publishing).

Be sure to “Like” us on Facebook!!! – “
Elsie Publishing, PO Box 811, East Lansing, MI 48826
Ph (517)371-5257     Fax (517)371-5200
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Click here if you'd like to DONATE NOW to LC